What If?
Mar 07, 2023
What if you turned all your worrying, wandering, wondering What Ifs into What Ifs that actually freed you to create your world where your worries didn’t win and you did?
When I worry,
And I won’t lie
I do
I picture my grandma holding me in her old wooden rocking chair singing Kumbaya.
I am 8 years old laying limp in her lap with my head on her chest with my arms and legs dangling like a rag doll across her body.
She rocks me back and forth singing this soft gentle lullaby.
The motion of the chair calms my sinking soul.
Even though I get nowhere, as long as I stay there.
Yet it feels so good
and so safe
steadily being held in the rocking of worry.
Going everywhere and nowhere all at the same time.
A pain that doubles up on you the more you sit in its space.
When she stops singing,
I am lifeless.
Weak and unconscious to the dwelling of a defeat that hasn’t happened
Except only in my mind.
We have perfected the worry of What If for the bad and ugly and tense and stressful and end of the world overly dramatic good enough for a Shonda Rhimes episode of Grey’s Anatomy.
But What If we flipped the switch to welcome all the positive opposites of our worries?
Isn’t it just as time-consuming?
Doesn’t it take just as much energy to expend on the good as it does on the bad?
What if we rocked ourselves into the momentum of a moment that’s mighty for our peace of mind?
Think about it.
What if your dream did come true?
What if your goal did happen?
What if you did do the work?
AND made it happen in the time frame you wanted?
What if you could get ahead of the game?
What if you could get a grasp on the depression?
What if you could get the upper hand on anxiety?
What if you could force your feelings to the back seat and take charge of ten and two in the driver seat?
What if IT does happen?
What if you ARE successful?
What if you do have the relationship of your dreams?
And you live happily ever after.
What if you are debt free and you can travel all around the world anytime you want?
What if you can afford any restaurant without looking at the menu first?
What if you can do all the things you want to do for your kids without having to worry about money or their education or their wedding or their first car or their car insurance or their sports activities or their braces or the brand name clothes they wad up and on throw on the floor?
What if you had an unexpected medical bill and you could pay it?
With no problem.
What if you had that rainy day fund?
What if YOU were the answer to a problem?
To a Prayer?
What if you were qualified for that first home?
What if you could put up the down payment?
In cash.
What if you could wear any clothes you wanted in your closet without stress or disgust you’ve gotten too big for your favorite britches?
Yes, I just said britches.
What if you never had to look the scale in the eye because IT knew who was boss?
What if you found a new way to measure your success?
What if when you walked on the beach you walked with confidence?
What if you could do that pull-up or that pushup?
Run that Marathon or take a podium place on your first triathlon.
What if you learned how to swim? Or bike? Or ski?
What if you could speak up for yourself?
What if you could live guilt-free?
What if you did take that dance class?
Learned to play the piano and wrote that book.
What if it got published?
What if it became the next Netflix top trending series?
What if you suddenly changed somebody else's life?
What If?
What if you let go of your past?
And started praying again.
What if you forgave and your pain went away?
What if your back didn't hurt anymore?
or your knees?
or your heart?
What if you could stop going to doctor appointment
after doctor appointment
after doctor appointment.
What if you could stop taking the medication?
What if you didn't need the pills?
What if you could stabilize your mood, your energy and your attitude with your mindset and your heart and your faith and your focus?
What if you could sleep soundly at night and wake with energy, excitement and effort for the hours to come?
What if you didn't emotionally eat anymore?
What if you didn't binge?
On Food.
On unloved sex.
On shopping.
On alcohol.
On gossip.
On doubt.
On whatever IT is for you.
What if you could Purge it all?
What if you didn't cry every day anymore?
What if you didn't hide behind fake pictures on social media?
What if you didn't have to hide in family pictures on Christmas Day?
What if YOU were the one up front posing, empowering and enthusiastic?
What if you could smile for real?
What would that look like?
What would that feel like?
What If?
What if you could enjoy Pizza without guilt?
What if you could drink without drinking to get drunk?
What if you could experience sober fun?
What if you weren’t a slave to smoking and broke free from the smoke break swallowing your sovereignty?
What if you put the drugs away and were still just as talented?
What if you stopped having sex with people that don't care about you?
What if you stopped fantasizing your problems in porn?
What if you could just be faithful?
To yourself.
What if you could trust again?
Trust Yourself.
And trust others.
What if you stopped spending money you don't have?
And could pay for everything in cash
What if you read the Bible?
Read your books?
Listened to a positive podcast?
And actually, applied it.
What if they renewed you?
Got you excited again?
Feeling alive.
Feeling hopeful.
Feeling ready for whatever it IS you have wanted to come.
So, What If?
What if we go to bed worry free?
And we wake up full of wonder
Fierce and bold.
Knowing we can Welcome Whatever What If we want to.
And that the rocking chair grandma once embraced us in is just an old vintage memory
Comforting no more worries than it does our joys.
Rocking us NOT to sleep us,
BUT to propel us forward into a world where we wander and wonder into all of our possibilities
without the weight of the pain
of What if worries
and the stillness of our What if wins.